Monday, December 8, 2014

Last Night's SNL

Last night's episode was filled with creative and out of the box comedy. I believe that anyone who thought this year would still be considered a transition year were completely in the wrong as even the new cast members(Leslie Jones and Pete Davidson) are holding their own with even the long term cast members.
A couple of highlights I'd like to mention:
-I was so excited about the return of Tonker Bell! Aidy is such a hilarious person and bringing this character back for the Peter Pan sketch was a wonderful choice. I also want to give James Franco credit because I didn't expect his celebrity impressions to be so dead on. He did an amazing job at Christopher Walken as Captain Hook.
-The Jingle Ballerz sketch was ridiculous in the best way. It was filled with celebrity impression after celebrity impression and watch out Nicki Minaj as Beyonce! I loved every one of the characters, but I am mesmerized by Jay Pharoah as Kanye West and Kate McKinnon as Justin Bieber. They are both so talented at celebrity impressions that you have to hope every episode they can pull another out of their bag of tricks.
-Grow a Guy- It was great to see Mike O'Brien back. I thought it was such a hilarious sketch, "he kinda did have a point", what exactly are hash tags?
-With Seth Meyers leaving, I didn't know how to feel about any other person behind the desk even though that was the feeling that occurs whenever we switch anchors on Weekend Update. Colin Jost and Michael Che are making the best team. They are the bro version of Amy Poehler and Tina Fey. If they could go ahead and start writing their version of "Baby Mama", the world would greatly appreciate it! I was also so frickin' excited to see Leslie Jones back at the Weekend Update desk. Whenever she makes an appearance, I laugh so hard I cry and Bobby Moynihan as Anthony Crispino-- if you don't laugh whenever Bobby is on Weekend Update or any other sketch- there's a chance that you are a "Grow a Guy".
-Jeremy's Brain felt like what a 90's scrap book and as being someone in my 20s, I could feel my childhood in this one. From Titanic's Cal to the Jurassic Park reference and the Savage Garden song "I want You" which I can still sing every word of... it was probably my favorite sketch of this show.
-Nicki Minaj touched the "feels" button with both her of her songs.
-"We're not Porn Stars anymore"- Cecily and Vanessa always knock this one out of the park and it felt like Jame's Franco's episode was the perfect time to bring this one back since he(as well as Seth Rogen who made a cameo in this sketch) are great with this kind of humor

Hopefully, you enjoyed this epidsode as much as I did and below is the link if you haven't watched it yet or would like to watch it again!

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