Monday, November 10, 2014

So... here we are

     It's safe to say that if you want to know anything about what was going on in America or even globally for  the past 39 years(or 40 seasons) all you would really need to do is watch the vintage episodes of Saturday Night Live.  They have been an ever constant strong cultural force in our society for so long, that many of us, including myself, have not known a time without it. The issues of our day (even some that are hard for us to digest) are constructed into something that has us laughing every time we watch. As a matter of fact, some of my first memories involve Saturday Night Live.  My mom, being one of the coolest women alive, used to have old VHS tapes of the Best of SNL. I can remember Dan Aykroyd as Julia Child, trying to teach cooking Chicken while bleeding everywhere after cutting herself. Doesn't sound funny, but being delivered by Dan equaled pure comedic gold. (If you're only familiar with the recent years of SNL, here's the link and I promise, you won't be sorry you watched  ).  I of course, at that age had no clue who Julia Child was, all I knew is that it was the funniest thing I had ever seen.  This tape also included the Coneheads which when I was in Kindergarten (or maybe right before) was made into a major motion picture. So on Halloween, I was given the choice of costumes- I could be Belle, from Beauty and the Beast, which was THE costume that year or I could be Connie the Conehead (which was the costume I found and begged to be).  Without falter it was my choice and as I strutted into class that day with so many Belles gazing at me, My Cone stood happily in the air.  All of the little kids asked who in the world was I dressed up as, but all of the parents just laughed. They knew a classroom hit when they saw one.

   Now, in my mid twenties, I have been a fashion writer for a bit.  There was something else though I always felt the need to write and discuss with all of you. The show that tops all others and has proven so by delivering almost every well known comedian of our time and for sticking around for 40 seasons as strong as it has ever been. Am I probably the biggest fan in the world, probably not, but I am a person that sees why there's so many wonderful things to discuss about what I believe to be the best show to ever grace our television sets. If you would ever like to comment on what you read or share your stories,  please don't hesitate all I ask is that you keep it positive. So... let's begin this journey...  Gilda

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