It's almost here!!! Anyone else excited for 2016?!?
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Friday, December 18, 2015
Promo- Amy and Tina!
I love that they did the promo with Kenan as he is the only current cast member to have been apart of the show when Tina and Amy were cast members.
Sunday, December 13, 2015
Conquering Facebook since '15
We are so excited and we can't wait to see you there...
Thursday, October 15, 2015
Amy Shumer Hosted!!!
Quick note- let me apologize- if you have read this before, you know that I love to write as a hobby and that I write about SNL because for me, SNL is the equivalent of someone being a life long fan of a particular sports team. Now that I've relocated to help my sister, I am usually at work or watching the babies all of the time(for all wondering, one of the reasons I moved is that my niece was having health problems, we now know that she is epileptic-BUT we are really blessed that it's minor and she could grow out of it). So for that, this post is a little late(family first, hobbies second). Thank you all for your kind words of support!
So, let's dig in... If you've been a fan of Amy Shumer for a while, it almost felt destined for her to host at some point. After the show began and you could see that her monologue was going to be stand up based it was a great sign. Usually, if someone is strong enough to start off with a stand up routine, than it is ALMOST always going to be a hilarious show. Which in this case was accurate. There were a couple of times that her jokes were the awkward kind of funny(almost like when Louis CK hosts), but what else would you expect from her?
I believe my favorite sketch she was in had to have been the Delta sketch. It was great to see her with Vanessa Bayer again(which in my opinion doesn't get enough credit). When she broke down and yelled "I was outside of the PLANE!"- that was crazy hilarious! The Spice Girls touch was great! Taran was priceless as usual(he has become the new Fallan/Farrell/Hader meaning the person that seems to be the stand out). Kenan kept cracking me up even though he didn't have very many lines in the sketch- he has a gift with his facial expressions though that are so funny.
I don't mention this enough-BUT I feel as if Colin Jost and Michael Che are becoming a very strong Weekend Update Anchor Duo. They are the Bro version of Amy and Tina and I look forward to it every week!
All in all, such a strong episode and I hope to see Amy back soon!
Thursday, October 8, 2015
Season 41
I'M SO EXCITED! The season has kicked off with a bang and with it being SNL- who could expect anything different? Miley killed it-but who could've expected anything different-she's a talented person. I also think it's fair to say that her monologue is something that so many of us wanted because the crazy-weird events of this summer needed to be explored by SNL.
The most important thing to mention though is in all of the years of SNL, I have never seen such an on point impression of Donald Trump as Taran Killam's impression. My family and I laughed so hard at this! If you haven't seen it(or if you need to watch it again) here's the link-
Hillary and Kate's sketch together... The only way to describe this is that it is an instant classic! The best thing that a politician can do is go on SNL. I think it reminds people that at the end of the day, they are all human like us and can make fun of their selves a little bit(which is refreshing). Here's the link(I've watched this one a couple of times now)-
I also have to mention the Kyle Mooney Sketch that was a sequel to a sketch from Miley's last visit "Miley's Sex Tape" (Not a real sex tape so calm down). I loved this because as we have gotten to know Kyle Mooney these past couple of seasons, my favorite thing about him is that he has his own comedy that's kind of awkward, entertaining, and hilarious. So, incase you missed the first part, I have included Part One for you all-
"Miley's Sex Tape"-
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Sunday, August 2, 2015
The Summer of SNL--- Part 2
So, I promised this post And I'm here to deliver... About a week and a half ago, I saw the preview for SISTERS starring Amy Poehlar and Tina Fey. This duo never fails to be funny and what I love is it feels like a bit of a BABY MAMA reversal(meaning Amy plays the straighter laced character and Tina is the crazier character). But the SNL love doesn't end there- Rachel Dratch, Maya Rudolph, Bobby Moynihan, Kate McKinnon are along for the ride as well. Basically, if their past collaborations such as SNL Weekend Update, Baby Mama, and the Golden Globes left you wanting more from one of the best comedy duos of our time- then you are in luck!
The relaunch of Ghostbusters had me a little worried when first mentioned because the original is without a doubt one of the best films of all time. The cast was amazing(Dan and Bill-two of the best to ever grace SNL's stage were apart of this). How can you touch perfection? Then I heard the new spin on it.... Ladies! Brilliant... And the new team being all SNL cast members OR long time hosts. Leslie Jones, Kristen Wiig, Kate McKinnon(again), and Melissa McCarthy. Each one of these comedians can hold their own and combined- I bet we will be dealing with a perfect storm(possibly Bridesmaids level funny-which you are dealing with quite a few Bridesmaids players in front of and behind the camera ).
All in all, I think we will be having an amazing year on the big screen and on the new season of SNL! Until Next time---
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
The summer of SNL-- Part 1
Summer- the time of year we all plan to be tan, in shape, and enjoying the outdoors. For this reason, TV takes a hiatus(at least for the top TV shows)--this includes SNL. BUT this hasn't been a quiet season for SNL fans. Many current and former cast members have either been dominating the big screen, the small screen, OR causing crazy hype for their much anticipated projects.
Whoever decided that Will Ferrell and Kristen Wiig should do a Lifetime movie deserves a million bucks as well as 15 unicorns(I know they don't exist, but-I don't even care- they still deserve them). It was amazing how the movie was carried out. Both Kristen Wiig and Will Ferrell playing the parts completely in Lifetime movie fashion-DEADLY serious with just a dash of overacting.... Most didn't expect this and that's another reason it was genius. If you weren't one of the 2.1 million to see it when it aired... I will say this- if it comes out on DVD or goes on Netflix- you gotta watch it!
First off- I have yet to see this one BUT I can't wait to. Bill Hader in a leading man role opposite Amy Schumer is in a no fail situation meaning both actors are in their A game and aren't the type to settle for subpar roles. Also, one thing I respect Bill Hader for is that he picks roles that he seems truly passionate about. He doesn't choose roles purely based on money- and when you put his movies next to each other, they are always unique(you're never going to see him play the same role twice... Unless it's a sequel to a previous movie). Therefore, all of the raves for the movie along with both Bill and Amy's past projects tell me this one is a slam dunk.
There's so many more to talk about so get ready for part 2 where we will discuss two upcoming projects from amazing past and current cast members!
Until then,
Saturday, July 18, 2015
I'm back!
Hey wonderful people!
I just wanted to make a quick post letting you all know about why I was absent for a minute there. There was a little bit of a family emergency that required me to quickly relocate. This relocation meant a new position and also no more computer. I am still at a "no computer" moment- BUT I'm blessed to be with my family and helping out. Sometimes things happen that are scary at first, but turn out to be an exciting and great new start. I will be able to post from my phone, but my posts might look a little rough for a bit. It's all good though, cause I am excited to talk to you all again!
Thursday, March 12, 2015
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Monday, February 16, 2015
SNL 40 Special
Well, here ends our 19 day SNL love fest. Oh, the memories we'll have though- sleep deprived, sunglasses at work, laughter filled memories. The most amazing thing though is how SNL pulled out a Grand Finale-Firework Extraordinaire with the SNL40 Special. Here's my thoughts broken down into bite sized moments:
The Show had everything: Reunions we prayed for(Stefon and Seth Meyers), collaborations we didn't expect(Martin Short and Maya Rudolph), old friends that feel like family(Bill Murray, Steve Martin), and the original 'Not Ready for Prime Time Players'.
The crazy thing is that with so many cast members and guests that have been working on this show tirelessly not even a tiny morsel of the show was leaked- in fact, many were expecting another NSync Reunion or even the Back Street Boys to be on the show(didn't happen-at least not on TV).
The show started off with a punch- The classic duo, Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake with special appearances by Debbie Downer and Mary Katherine Gallagher. If you were like me, you were silently squealing to yourself with glee. These ladies killed it every time they were on air and to see them back reprising iconic characters was fabulous!
Then the Celebrity Jeopardy Sketch- can I just say you know it is a classic when everyone wants to be in it. It's a reoccurring sketch that doesn't seem to have aged a bit. It was flawless and as every line was spoken you could tell that this was going to be a sketch that might even top the originals.
I would have never realized how great Martin Short and Maya Rudolph were together until they were paired up in the Musical Moments sketch. Seeing Bill Murray's Nick the Lounge Singer and seeing that really after 40 years-the man's still got it. He can make you laugh without even trying and this is why he's a legend. Then they threw the Blues Brothers at us and expected us to stay in our seats(even at home).
Jane Curtain, Tina Fey, and Amy Poehlar together behind one SNL Weekend Update desk was pretty historic. Three strong women and soon to follow- one Landshark was well thought out and completely necessary(by the way Jane's Line of "Don't open that door! It's always the Landshark" was everything). Then seeing some of the Weekend Update men together to announce the original Weekend Update Anchor, Chevy Chase, reprising a sketch with Garrett Morris-a cherry on top of this moment. I didn't expect it and I have to say, I am thankful it happened(Chevy and Garrett are both hilarious gentlemen). Also what I thought was beautifully done is seeing longtime fans like myself(the only difference is that they're wildly famous) re-enact SNL characters that were near and dear to them. Well done Edward Norton and 2 Stefons at the desk-crazy enough to work! Also to you- Emma Stone and Melissa McCarthy-thank you for filling shoes and representing legends that couldn't reprise their own classic characters. |
While we are on the subject how amazing was the tribute to the cast and crew who have passed over the years. Beautifully put together and there's something about hearing the alums cheer and clap made it more real. These people were the friends and heroes that they had lost. It was impossible not to cry. Then throwing in Jon Lovitz at the end to bring us back to a place of laughter again and seeing his face after the memoriam picture of him was brilliant!
The return of Eddie Murphy. A moment so many of us had waited for and hearing Chris Rock speak about someone that had inspired him was a great moment.
I can't give any harsh words to the wonderful team at SNL. With 40 years of amazing history, how could they squeeze it all in. That being said there were a couple of things I wished I had seen:
-Chris Kattan's Mango-Spartan Cheerleaders
-In fact, Chris Kattan AND Cheri Oteri
-Eddie Murphy relive one of his classic sketches
-More Bill Murray, but he's the equivalent of the cow bell to me
-Will Forte
-Bobby Moynihan, Beck Bennett, and Kyle Mooney
-a ticket in my mailbox to have seen that live(or at least an invite to the after party)-- I will however accept a ticket to any SNL show-That would be swell!
In closing, I just want to say, well played Mr. Lorne Michaels. This show was absolute perfection and as a life long fan- I thank you for making me laugh, cry, and get amped every Saturday Night for my entire life!
Catch me here
I will be live Tweeting until 11:30est tonight... if you want to talk SNL you can find me on Twitter @gildaredfashion
To even begin to comprehend EVERYONE that is in attendance to the SNL reunion... it's mind boggling! Here's the list as of right now...
Friday, February 6, 2015
Gilda Radner
As a life long SNL fan, I have seen many SNL cast members over the years. It is safe to say that there isn't anyone that compares to Gilda Radner. Since I wasn't lucky enough to witness the original cast in all their glory, I would watch my Mom's "Best Of" Tapes and that's when I began to think of Gilda Radner not just as a comedian, but as a role model.
She had a rare ability to seem fearless, free, and happy. It's something that I hoped to have considering as a child I was already a little worry wart. Gilda could also perform any sketch that she was in and make it seem like you weren't watching a scripted show. You were watching Gilda do something that seemed as natural to her as breathing, which made it so special- and why wouldn't she? She was the kind of funny that other comedians see and wish they could be.
The great thing is that people all over the world are still realizing her Ivy League level comedic skills. One being my sweet niece, Lo. The 3rd generation SNL fan started watching with me before she could even walk and one day I stuck in a season 1 disc and whenever Gilda did a sketch she would laugh. My niece is even the person who helped me pick out my pen name(when I started writing my first fashion blog) and because she loved Gilda, that was her choice (She chose Red because my hair was Red at the time).
So, this one's for Gilda, a brilliant performer who transcends time and has inspired me as well as thousands of other little girls all around the world.
Roseanne Rosannadanna:
The great thing is that people all over the world are still realizing her Ivy League level comedic skills. One being my sweet niece, Lo. The 3rd generation SNL fan started watching with me before she could even walk and one day I stuck in a season 1 disc and whenever Gilda did a sketch she would laugh. My niece is even the person who helped me pick out my pen name(when I started writing my first fashion blog) and because she loved Gilda, that was her choice (She chose Red because my hair was Red at the time).
So, this one's for Gilda, a brilliant performer who transcends time and has inspired me as well as thousands of other little girls all around the world.
If you're new to Gilda or just want to revisit, here's a couple of links for you:
Nerd Prom: Rosannadanna:
Friday, January 30, 2015
This just in!
Are you kidding me... they have announced that Eddie Murphy will be back for the first time since 1984. This is big you guys!
And for your viewing pleasure... here's a SNL Eddie Murphy Sketch:
Just wanted to say congratulations to current cast members Leslie Jones and Kate McKinnon as well as SNL alum Kristen Wiig on becoming the new team of Ghost Busters in the much anticipated reboot. I have a crazy feeling that this movie will be epically hilarious(especially since the 4th member of their team is three time host Melissa McCarthy) !
Thursday, January 29, 2015
SNL Marathon
I've been holding this in at work all day, but this picture says exactly how I feel about the beginning of the SNL 19 day Marathon!!!!!!!
We are starting off the fun at 7pm est. with Tina Fey and Arcade Fire(season 39)
Thursday, January 22, 2015
Thursday, January 15, 2015
One of the best!
As you all know(if you've read my blog previously), my mom's a long time SNL fan. For this reason, whatever aired the week prior would possibly be quoted, mirrored, or discussed until the newest episode aired and a fresh sketch would be served as the new week's hot topic. There was one particular reoccurring sketch that would always be reenacted and talked about constantly. I have the distinct memory of my Aunt Charity(who was staying with us at the time) and Mom sitting on the couch and mimicking Wayne and Garth for my grandmother and for anyone else that watched. Just the simple movements and gestures my mom did as Garth made me realize that Wayne and Garth were the coolest people ever and because of this, I would go to school and pretend that I was Wayne and Garth and perform the "Wayne's World" theme song to all of my friends and instantaneously be the awesome kid on the playground. So, for this reason, I thought it necessary to write a blog on one of the best SNL cast members of all time, Dana Carvey.

When you look back at Dana Carvey's run on SNL it is nothing short of extraordinary. He had the amazing talent to lose himself in characters and cause me, my family, and so many others to laugh until it's unbelievably painful. When his comedic capabilities were accompanied with his strong ability to be so versatile, he couldn't lose. Dana could play Church Lady, President Bush, or Garth in one episode and there was a million little details that would make each of these characters unique. This is a distinct quality, in fact that many comedians, or even just actors in general crave to have.
It's safe to say that Dana Carvey is a SNL super hero. He brought so much laughter to my family as well as so many others every Saturday Night. Dana is still extremely hilarious and I hope to be lucky enough to catch him on tour as soon as he performs near me. Also, I really hope that Dana is on the 40th anniversary episode as I know, he will kill it, as always.
Below are a couple of links to some of my favorite sketches of his, something new-"The Life and Times of Mr.Orange, as well as the link to his SNL best of DVD. So if you're in the mood to binge watch some sketches or maybe even discover the brilliance that is Dana Carvey, I've got you covered. Also, don't forget to follow Dana on Twittter
The Life and Times of Mr.Orange(hilarious):
SNL Best of DVD for sale:
Favorite SNL sketches:
Church Chat(I'm giving you two different links for this one, the newest one and one of the classic sketches)
Wayne's World(there's also two Wayne's World Movies that are must watch movies):
Monologue Sketch(you can see so many of his reoccurring characters in this(and also a couple of characters that weren't his): carvey
Hans and Franz:
Saturday, January 10, 2015
Article Must Read
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You all have to read this article about Pete Davidson, which I feel is going to be someone around for years on SNL as well as films and television.
SNL Fun Fact
Louis CK actually auditioned for SNL back in 1993 and as we all know, he didn't become a featured player for SNL. That didn't stop Louis CK from still working hard because since then he has done quite well for himself and even hosted SNL twice. You can relive Louis CK's hosting duties with the Link to "Mr.Big Stuff".
Here's the two links as well if you want to watch the full episodes of Louis CK rockin' the hosting gig!
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