Tuesday, July 21, 2015

The summer of SNL-- Part 1

Summer- the time of year we all plan to be tan, in shape, and enjoying the outdoors. For this reason, TV takes a hiatus(at least for the top TV shows)--this includes SNL. BUT this hasn't been a quiet season for SNL fans. Many current and former cast members have either been dominating the big screen, the small screen, OR causing crazy hype for their much anticipated projects.

Let's start with A DEADLY ADOPTION 

Whoever decided that Will Ferrell and Kristen Wiig should do a Lifetime movie deserves a million bucks as well as 15 unicorns(I know they don't exist, but-I don't even care- they still deserve them). It was amazing how the movie was carried out. Both Kristen Wiig and Will Ferrell playing the parts completely in Lifetime movie fashion-DEADLY serious with just a dash of overacting.... Most didn't expect this and that's another reason it was genius. If you weren't one of the 2.1 million to see it when it aired... I will say this- if it comes out on DVD or goes on Netflix- you gotta watch it! 

First off- I have yet to see this one BUT I can't wait to. Bill Hader in a leading man role opposite Amy Schumer is in a no fail situation meaning both actors are in their A game and aren't the type to settle for subpar roles. Also, one thing I respect Bill Hader for is that he picks roles that he seems truly passionate about. He doesn't choose roles purely based on money- and when you put his movies next to each other, they are always unique(you're never going to see him play the same role twice... Unless it's a sequel to a previous movie). Therefore, all of the raves for the movie along with both Bill and Amy's past projects tell me this one is a slam dunk.

There's so many more to talk about so get ready for part 2 where we will discuss  two upcoming projects from amazing past and current cast members! 

Until then,


Saturday, July 18, 2015

I'm back!

Hey wonderful people! 

I just wanted to make a quick post letting you all know about why I was absent for a minute there. There was a little bit of a family emergency that required me to quickly relocate. This relocation meant a new position and also no more computer. I am still at a "no computer" moment- BUT I'm blessed to be with my family and helping out. Sometimes things happen that are scary at first, but turn out to be an exciting and great new start. I will be able to post from my phone, but my posts might look a little rough for a bit.
It's all good though, cause I am excited to talk to you all again! 

