Whoever decided that Will Ferrell and Kristen Wiig should do a Lifetime movie deserves a million bucks as well as 15 unicorns(I know they don't exist, but-I don't even care- they still deserve them). It was amazing how the movie was carried out. Both Kristen Wiig and Will Ferrell playing the parts completely in Lifetime movie fashion-DEADLY serious with just a dash of overacting.... Most didn't expect this and that's another reason it was genius. If you weren't one of the 2.1 million to see it when it aired... I will say this- if it comes out on DVD or goes on Netflix- you gotta watch it!
First off- I have yet to see this one BUT I can't wait to. Bill Hader in a leading man role opposite Amy Schumer is in a no fail situation meaning both actors are in their A game and aren't the type to settle for subpar roles. Also, one thing I respect Bill Hader for is that he picks roles that he seems truly passionate about. He doesn't choose roles purely based on money- and when you put his movies next to each other, they are always unique(you're never going to see him play the same role twice... Unless it's a sequel to a previous movie). Therefore, all of the raves for the movie along with both Bill and Amy's past projects tell me this one is a slam dunk.
There's so many more to talk about so get ready for part 2 where we will discuss two upcoming projects from amazing past and current cast members!
Until then,